Thursday, 5 August 2010

The Site of e-Callisto Ireland

On wednesday the 28th of June we had a short visit of the Callisto future location.
Callisto will be moved at the and of August.
The control room (the building up-right on the picture) will be restored. In the upper picture the trench ready for the cable setting from the control room to the antenna basament.

3 AUG 2010. The builder is dry-lining the walls and putting in the ceiling - Skimming walls.

4 AUG 2010. Electrician is on-site today wiring the room.

                      Phone line will be housed in 2 inch Wavin piping.

6 AUG 2010  Room finished by Friday.

The control room. (was used as a sheep house) In the upper picture the room before the restoration with some sheep. (Miracles of Ireland)

The Antenna basament. In the picture Dr. McAteer taking GPS coordinates.

The upper picture shows the trench going from the control room to the antenna basament.

1 comment:

leon said...

a amising polarmount installation congrates
de Leon